Get Paid for Good Grades

Bring your kids to the Credit Union!

Children ages 13 and under will be rewarded for Good Grades while learning the value of saving.  Present a current Report Card and Get Paid for every A or equivalent grade.


*Promotion applies to kids ages 13 and under.  Eligible Report Cards must be issued within the current reporting period.  Child must be present to receive cash reward.  Cash will be rewarded $1 per every A or equivalent grade per subject.  Maximum cash reward $10 per Report Card.  Cash reward must be deposited into a new or existing savings account owned by the child.  All new accounts are subject to membership requirements and our normal approval process.  An early termination fee will be assessed to new member if the account is closed within 6 months.  Account must remain active for at least 6 months.  Member is responsible for paying taxes with the reward.